Do you have unsightly veins on your legs or face?

We have three different ways to treat spider veins at Medical Spa NP. We use two different types of lasers- our IPL laser treats mainly the smaller, tiny veins and capillaries and our 1064 Nd-Yag laser treats slightly bigger veins and capillaries. We also inject veins and capillaries in a process known as Sclerotherapy. As you will have to wear compression stockings after sclerotherapy continually for up to two weeks, we typically only offer this treatment during the winter. Our Nurse Practitioners offer free consults and can discuss with you which treatment or treatments is optimal for you. If your condition is too advanced for non-invasive means, we have teamed up with a local physician who is an expert in this field.

*Please see our social media for pics of facial telangectasias before and after, and picture of sclerotherapy before and after.

Sclerotherapy FAQs